Music Therapy and Alzheimer’s disease?

Utilizing Music as a Companion in Caring for an Elderly Loved One With Alzheimer’s Disease.
The winter blues affect even the happiest people, especially older adults dealing with more than the natural circumstances of aging. Here we will discuss the signs of Alzheimer’s disease and the consequences it brings.
At Best at Home Caregiving, we care for your loved ones from the comfort of their homes.
Through our previous blogs, we have learned that Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that significantly impacts memory, thinking skills, and the ability to perform simple tasks. This blog discusses how music can positively impact someone with Alzheimer’s disease and how to incorporate it into their care.
Research shows that listening to songs or singing along can aid in dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.
Creating a musical environment at a reasonable volume can improve the emotions and behaviors of those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia – especially if they engage and sing along.
This is because musical memories are often preserved in Alzheimer’s disease. After all, the disease affects vital brain areas related to musical memory.
Music reduces anxiety and stress, creates a calm environment, and provides a way to connect with loved ones dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.
This is especially true in older adults who have difficulty communicating.
If you want to use music to help a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, keep these tips in mind:
Avoid overstimulation.
When playing music, eliminate other noises in the room.
Close the door.
Turn off the television.
Adjust the volume according to your loved one’s hearing ability.
Choose music not interrupted by commercials, which can confuse you’re older loved one.
Think about your loved one’s preferences.
What kind of music does your loved one like?
What music evokes memories of happy times in their life?
This could be an activity to involve family and friends by asking them to suggest songs or make playlists.
Set the mood.
Play music or sing a soothing melody to calm your loved one during meals or a morning hygiene routine.
When you want to improve your loved one’s mood, use upbeat or faster-paced music.
Always keep the volume comfortable so that older adults don’t become overwhelmed.
Pay attention to your senior loved one’s response.
If your loved one seems to enjoy certain songs, play them often.
Choose something else if your loved one reacts negatively to a particular piece or genre of music.
Remember, music may not affect your loved one’s cognitive status or quality of life.
Encourage movement.
Help your loved one clap or tap their feet to the music. Consider dancing with your loved one.
Allow them to have some control over the music, the volume, and the order of the songs, allowing them to change or repeat the pieces you are listening to together.
Sing with your loved one.
Sharing music with your loved one can boost your mood and improve your relationship.
Some preliminary studies also suggest that musical memory works differently than other types of memory, and singing may help stimulate unique memories.
Do your parents need help with daily chores or preparing and cooking meals? Or do they need assistance bathing, grooming, and other daily activities? These are the questions you should ask yourself when considering an in-home caregiver.
Contact us at 844-544- (BEST) 2378. Our care managers will provide you with the plan you and your loved ones need. Based on your needs, we will provide you with the best in-home caregiver to care for and support your loved ones.