How to Prevent Falls in Older Adults at Home

Aging can bring many challenges. Here we will discuss how to prevent falls in older adults at home and what to do in case of a fall.
At Best at Home Caregiving, we are here to provide the care your loved ones need from the comfort of your home.
A fall can happen at anytime, making it one of the most common accidents. e have all experienced a fall at home from tripping over an object, getting tangled in a carpet, or slipping on a wet floor. It may be a funny story or a scrape if you fall as a young adult. You may even break a bone if it’s a more severe fall.
But for older people, breaking a bone can become the beginning of much more severe problems. These problems can result in a hospital trip, injury, or permanent disability.
You are not alone if you or an older person you know has fallen. More than a third of people age 65 or older fall each year. Additionally, the risk of falling, and fall-related problems, increases with age.
Why is the older the adult, the more likely to fall?
Many factors contribute to senior falls, including:
- Vision impairment
- Hearing loss
- Reflex deterioration
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Thyroid-related issues
- Foot problems
- Nerve issues
- And problems related to circulation
Medications can even increase the likelihood of a fall by making a person feel dizzy or drowsy. In addition, in some people, blood pressure drops too low when a person stands up after lying down or sitting (called postural hypotension). Foot problems that cause pain or wearing unsafe shoes, such as those with high heels, can also increase the risk of falling.
How can You Prevent Falls in Older Adults?
Falls in older adults are among the most common accidents. They usually occur in spaces where falls can be prevented by taking the proper care measures. Here are a few safety measures to help you provide a safe distance.
- Depending on the adult’s condition, check if it is necessary to put protective bars on the bed to prevent falls while sleeping or moving the bed.
- While in the house, it is essential to caution seniors when standing or moving from one place to another. Help should be available to prevent falls in certain conditions, such as a wet floor if necessary.
- Make sure older adults get enough sleep. If they wake up at night and do not seem to sleep well, be aware that drowsiness can increase the likelihood of falling.
- Ensure potential dangers, such as uneven floors, are fixed in spaces frequented by older adults. These seemingly harmless imperfections can quickly lead to an accident.
- Footwear is fundamental to preventing falls in older adults. Therefore, we recommend ensuring shoes have a good grip, non-slip soles, and can be easily adjusted.
- If necessary, consider additional support tools, such as canes or walkers, which give them independence and allow them to move around safely. However, if these other aids are necessary, it is essential to remember that they must be taught how to use them and be accompanied while developing the skill to use them.
- Consider installing night lights to increase visibility for nightly visits to the bathroom or kitchen. It is also essential to check that the space is free of obstacles such as chairs, rugs, tables, etc. That can cause a stumble.
- Place grab bars in the bathroom and shower. If necessary, chairs can also be used when bathing to prevent falls in older adults. It is also advisable to utilize non-slip mats.
- Find out about the side effects of prescribed medications. For example, consult a doctor to determine if a drug causes drowsiness or dizziness.
- Limit the amount of alcohol consumption. Scientific studies indicate that the rate of hip fractures in older adults increases with alcohol use. In addition, even a tiny amount of alcohol can affect balance and reflexes.
- Get up slowly. Getting up too quickly can cause blood pressure to drop. This can cause someone to feel unsteady or wobbly.
- Constantly update doctors on falls or accidents since the previous visit, even if the injury did not happen. A fall may alert your doctor to a new medical problem, side effects of medication, or vision impairment that needs to be corrected.
- It is also essential to be very attentive to the evolution of older adults, as they may need more help and attention as they age.
Preventative measures are the best way to ensure a loved one does not have an avoidable accident. A fall can signal the need for extra support, such as an in-home caregiver.
Many Older Adults Fear Falling.
The fear of falling becomes more common as people age, even among those who have never lost. This fear can lead seniors to avoid walking, shopping, or participating in social activities.
But it is essential to ensure the fear of falling doesn’t keep them from being active. Overcoming this fear can help seniors stay active, preserve their physical health, and prevent future falls. Meeting friends, gardening, walking, or visiting the local senior center help maintain mental and physical health.
Seniors may easily overcome this fear when accompanied by a loved one or caregiver.
What to Do if an Older Adult Falls:
Sudden falls are surprising and distressing, whether at home or elsewhere. So when someone falls, staying as calm as possible is essential.
Accompany the older adult, helping them take several deep breaths to help them relax. Then, stay still on the floor or where they fell. This will help them recover from the surprise and shock of having a fall.
Decide if the older adult has hurt himself before getting up. Ask them if they feel pain anywhere and check carefully before moving them. Getting up too quickly or the wrong way can make an injury worse.
Help them gently stand if you have the strength and knowledge to carry them. Then place them in a stable chair. If this is impossible, keep the senior adults comfortable while calling emergency services.
Do you need someone to help you care for your elderly at home? As we have seen, preventing a fall is possible, but you can count on us to be that helping hand for your senior.
Contact us at 844-544-2378. Our support managers will provide you with the plan you and your loved ones need. Then, based on your needs, we will provide you with the best in-home caregiver to care for and support your loved ones.