How to Keep Having Good Days Despite Dementia

One of the best ways to connect with people with dementia is to share laughter and pleasant conversations to help loved ones feel heard and supported. Please find out how with the recommendations we have for you. At Best at Home Caregiving, we’re here to help you care for your loved ones from the comfort of their home.
When there is a senior loved one at home living with dementia, we know that there are good days and not-so-good days.
But sometimes, we must find a space where our senior loved one feels comfortable. Then, we can talk with them and open a space for meaningful and engaging conversation.
Allow yourself to understand their minds, don’t try to rationalize everything they say. Instead, offer them the opportunity to feel that they genuinely and honestly pay attention to you. For that instant, they are just you in the world that the older adult expresses.
Embrace Their Train of Thought. Please do Not Stop it.
Rather than trying to control the conversation by denying those with dementia, embrace a new approach. Allow them to ramble, and do not correct them in what they tell you, even if it is incorrect.
This approach will motivate them to keep talking. “Yes” feels good. “Yes,” says, ‘I understand you, I hear you, I listen to you.'” Start with yes and see where the conversation takes you. If your senior tells you they had a trip to another country yesterday, or if they know someone famous, follow their lead and show interest.
Yes, and…
Keep your contributions to the conversation to a minimum, and ask questions that allow the older adult to elaborate more on what is being said. Ask about specific details and emotions they felt to keep the conversation going.
Contribute to The Conversation
Accept that you never know what will come next. So whatever your loved one says, be a part of the conversation and solution. Don’t put up any more obstacles. If you ask a question, ensure it is open-ended and without a preconceived correct answer.
Be Specific
Dementia can make abstract thinking difficult. In some conversations, allow the older adult to imagine a not-so-abstract scenario and list the options that won’t be difficult to understand. For example, instead of asking them what they would like for lunch, ask about the options available, “Would you prefer tomato soup with slices of bread? Or a chicken breast with some rice and vegetables”. This description is much more appealing to older adults than thinking about lunch. Be specific and concrete.
Pay attention.
Discard rushed responses and one-word answers. Communication when living with dementia involves changing perspectives. By paying full attention, we can understand everything that is being communicated. Pay attention to tone, word choice, tempo, and body language. All of these are important when sharing with our older adults.
Silence is Powerful.
Sit in silence. Breathe and be together. Moments of silence can foster communication and connection. Silences create a space to think. So often, people living with dementia are overwhelmed in conversation. Sitting in silence allows quieter voices and thoughts to be heard. Try using silence to bring a sense of calm and peace to your older adult.
Person-directed care is not limited to the person with dementia. Remember, we have talked about this in past blogs. It is normal, and you may tire of caring for an older adult. There is no shame or weakness in asking for help.
We need to recognize the needs and realities of all care partners. When it is only about the person living with dementia, resentment can arise, and we get caught in a loop when what we need is to be in caring partnerships.
Contact us at 844-544-2378. Our support managers will provide you with the plan you and your loved ones need. Then, based on your needs, we will provide you with the best in-home caregiver to care for and support your loved ones.